Today is the day! Behind the Red Door is officially out. (Please, please, keep the applause to a minimum.)
It’s actually a little anti-climactic, because I’ve heard reports of the book shipping from online retailers as early as last Monday, and several bookstores had it stocked late last week. I even have visual evidence courtesy of Evangeline Collins, who took this photo at her local Barnes & Noble last Friday.
Yesterday, I went out to the local bookstores, and found it on the shelves in both of the Barnes & Noble’s and the B. Dalton I visited (where I signed the stock), but not at Borders, where they seem to be adhering to the publisher’s shelving date. The customer service manager at my Borders assured me it would be out today, but I’m not sure I’ll get a chance to get over there to sign them until later this week.
If you’re hankering for a copy, but can’t get out to the store to buy one, I know of a few folks who are giving away copies today:
- Tessa Dare and I are talking about the art of the novella on her blog and giving away a signed copy to a random commenter.
- Courtney Milan is giving away a copy at her blog. (Last time I checked, there were no entrants, so you’ve got a good shot if you hie on over there.)
- Ann Aguirre is giving away a third copy at The Bradford Bunch blog (contest open through tomorrow).
- Beverley Kendall is giving away a copy PLUS a $15 gift certificate to Barnes & Noble, Amazon, or Fictionwise here.
Speaking of free books, I believe I promised a copy of Her Lover’s Companion to one lucky commenter on Evangeline Collins’ interview. According to the randomizer, the winner of that book is Sue A. Sue, would you please email me at jackie at jackiebarbosa dot com with your snail mail address to claim your copy?
Finally, most of you have probably already heard that the California Supreme Court upheld Proposition 8, which denies same-sex couples the right to marry. Fortunately, they also decided to keep the existing same-sex marriages intact, but it’s a rather hollow victory. I try not to be overtly political most of the time, but every once in a while, I just have to call something as I see it (or smell it). And this decision stinks.
Hi Jackie, found my way here from The Bradford Bunch, and am trying my luck at the different contests for your book. And I think it will be a 3 out of 3: gorgeous cover (first impression), sounds-great back cover copy (second thumbs-up) and hearing lots of good stuff about it being sexy and romantic etc. etc. (third and perhaps most important)! Can’t wait to check it out for myself. Have a great week!
There’s the confetti I was looking for all day. Congratulations. The book is a scorching hot read, and I’m raising a toast that it’s the first of many.
HAPPY RELEASE DAY!!!! In case I didn’t say it before.
Happy Release Day, Jackie! Have fun partying all around blogland.
Happy Release Day, Jackie.
Happy Release Day!! The book sounds wonderful!
Congratulations on the release of your book!
I’ve sent you an e-mail to claim HLC! Thank you Jackie!