As the post’s title says, I’m over at Limecello’s blog today with a Teaser Tuesday excerpt from Taking Liberties (releasing December 1, available for preorder now at Amazon and B&N). I’m giving away digital copies of The Reiver and/or Carnally Ever After and/or a print copy of Behind the Red Door if you live in the States (please, help me get some of these books off my shelves so I have more room for OTHER writers’ books, lol).
In other news, I’ve managed to figure out how to carve out about an hour of writing time each weekday (not that I always use it wisely, of course!). Despite my penchant for engaging in the Twitter “write-off’s” tagged as #1k1hr (one thousand words in an hour), I’ve never actually managed to write that many words in 60 minutes; I think my record is around 800 words. Still, if I can manage a solid 500 words a day, I should finish The Lesson Plan before Thanksgiving (especially given the help of Veteran’s Day this Friday and vacation the entire week of Thanksgiving) and get it off to my editor. Depending on how long it takes her to get through the edits and me to make the changes and format the files, I anticipate the novella will be out by mid-December.
If you’re in line to receive an eARC, you should be expecting to see it in early December. If you’re not sure you’re on my eARC list and/or know you’re not and would like to review The Lesson Plan, you can either leave a comment on this post letting me know or email me by using the Contact link. I’ll send out eARCs to anyone (I’m not gonna vet you like publishers do on NetGalley), but I do request that you promise to review the novella somewhere, be it a review blog, your personal blog, Goodreads or a retailer site.
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